Small business is the heartbeat of our communities!
Nominate a local business and tell us how they Amplify your community.
We could feature your favourite business on 102.9 Rewind Radio and you could win free groceries for a year!
Your nomination gets you in the draw for some awesome prizes from Save-On-Foods!
Prizes include:
Weekly Draw for a $100 Save-On-Foods gift card
Grand prize of Free Groceries for a Year!
Pattison Media presents Amplify Canada. Learn about other local business on the Amplify Canada website, or listen to the Amplify Canada Podcast right here!

Amplify East Kootenay - Total Pet
Amplify East Kootenay and Save On Foods are showcasing local businesses who are amping up their neighbourhood. Total Pet in Cranbrook is known for being at plenty of community events and taking part in local fundraisers. Store manager Taylor Yonkman says they enjoy working with and supporting the Cranbrook Pet Food Ban...
Aug 22, 2023

Amplify East Kootenay - Bavarian Home Hardware
Amplify East Kootenay and Save On Foods are showcasing local businesses who are amping up their neighbourhood. Bavarian Home Hardware is a fixture in Kimberley's Platzl. Owner Mark Carter says they keep a stock of everything you need for home maintenance, and some items which you might not expect to find at a hardware ...
Aug 22, 2023

Amplify East Kootenay - Moonlit Fangs Tattoo
Amplify East Kootenay and Save On Foods are showcasing local businesses who are amping up their neighbourhood. Moonlit Fangs Tattoo has only been open in Cranbrook for six months but has already established an inclusive and eco-friendly reputation. Artist Jess Gowling says 60-80 per cent of materials used for client sa...
Jun 23, 2023

Amplify East Kootenay - Love, Mary
Amplify East Kootenay and Save On Foods are showcasing local businesses who are amping up their neighbourhood. Mary Wright is the owner and operator of Love, Mary - a one stop shop for homemade self care products. Wright says she stands out from other like-minded artisans and creators by focusing on products which prom...
Jun 22, 2023

Amplify East Kootenay - REALM Services Inc
Amplify East Kootenay is shining a spotlight on local businesses for 2023. Today, we look at REALM Services Inc. in Cranbrook. Why have our listeners nominated this business? - "I feel Realm is an underappreciated business with all the work they do, and involvement behind the scene with supporting individuals with...
Mar 24, 2023