The City of Cranbrook is considering some major changes to the local transit system.
Transit advisor Erin Toop presented results from a transit assessment to city council Monday night, confirming transit use in Cranbrook has been in decline since 2011.
Toop recommends the City convert to an on-demand service for buses on certain routes, though she notes it would be difficult to operate without BC Transit’s assistance.
“So, we learned that there are a few multiple under performing fixtures in Cranbrook, and those would be good candidates for on demand transit service,” Toop says. “There are also two high performing routes, Route 1 and Route 5. Those are the anchors of Cranbrook’s transit system and those are not candidates for on demand service. They carry to many passengers on a regular basis.”
She also recommends adding a Transit Coordinator to city staff to provide oversight of the system and address customer complaints.
“This would be particularly important if the City incorporates on-demand transit in the future, even if that’s operated by BC Transit,” she says. “This position would also be able to address customer service issues and complaints, coordinate with BC Transit on several plannings and adjustments, and then provide ongoing oversight and input on any BC Transit communication and public engagement.”
You can view the assessment results here.
View the full presentation here.
– Erin Toop, Transit Advisor