Cranbrook’s mayor had almost nothing but positives to share during Thursday’s State of the Union address to the Rotary Club.
Lee Pratt was the guest speaker for the club’s luncheon on Thursday, he discussed the Key City’s housing issues and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pratt says the City has spent nearly $79-million on housing developments this year, briefly touching on the two housing projects which were recently given third readings from City Council.
“We’re excited about that because, like I said, the housing report we had said we’re short about 480 doors,” Pratt says. “[The projects combined] are roughly 143 doors. So that’ll be a be hole in that.”
He says new developments are bringing new workers to the city, helping the economy offset losses incurred through the pandemic.
“There was businesses that hurt for sure,” he says. “But the building and the developing that’s going on, it brought a lot of money into the economy, it employed a lot of people and fed a lot of families.”
Pratt teased some future projects for the city, including expanded use of airport lands, and he mentioned that two hotel chains are considering coming to Cranbrook.
He’s encouraging you to get involved with the City’s efforts to revitalize the downtown area.
-Lee Pratt, Mayor of Cranbrook