Jaffray residents are being advised to consider alternate sources for drinking water as a response to a fuel spill on Saturday continues.
The Ministry of Environment has taken over an investigation into the incident at a Jaffray service station over the weekend.
They now confirm around 12,000 litres of diesel fuel escaped in the incident, much higher than the 2,000 litres initially estimated to have spilt Saturday morning.
RDEK Electoral Area B Director Stan Doehle says they are concerned of the potential impact this could have on drinking water and is advising residents to consider alternate sources.
“We are aware of the community’s concern regarding the potential impact on its drinking water,” Doehle says. “As the investigation into the spill is still underway, residents in the area may choose to use an alternative source for drinking water until the full scope of the incident has been determined.”
Ministry of Environment officials say work continues to determine whether there are any impacts to nearby wells.
The Jaffray Fire Department responded to the fuel spill initially, with a hazardous materials team sent from Calgary for the clean-up Saturday afternoon.
You can find a release from the Regional District of East Kootenay shared to social media below:
The Ministry of Environment (MOE) has taken over the investigation into a fuel spill at a service station in Jaffray.
– RDEK Electoral Area B Director Stan Doehle