A Fernie City Councillor is eyeing a second tour of duty at City Hall in October’s election.
Kyle Hamilton is seeking re-election to city council, he has one term under his belt after successfully running in the 2018 election.
He says some of the issues pertaining to city council’s next term are not specific to Fernie, such as infrastructure upgrades and addressing housing affordability and availability.
“Housing is a huge issue everywhere,” Hamilton says. “There is no simple solution to the problem, otherwise somebody somewhere would have already fixed it. It’s going to be a major issue over the coming four, five, ten years.”
He wants to foster civilized discussion between the City and its residents to help the community move forward with vital projects, he says it’s time to stop the vitriol which city councillors and staff have been facing from the public and to start having meaningful discussions on issues pertaining to Fernie.
“If you want to have good quality people and attract good quality people to these roles, we need to be better as a society and as a community,” says Hamilton. “We need to talk and discuss the issues and not attack the individuals.”
Hamilton has been a Fernie resident since 2006, he’s been involved with the Arts Station and Tourism Fernie.
The municipal election is happening October 15.
– Kyle Hamilton – Fernie City Council candidate