Data from Kimberley RCMP’s third quarter report indicates the local detachment was busier through the last three months of 2022.
Sergeant Steve Woodcox says calls for service increased 30 percent from October to December when compared to the same time in 2021.
Woodcox says the spike in calls to service was due to a noted increase in break and enters to construction trailers or sheds and thefts from vehicles.
He adds RCMP continues to field mental health calls on a regular basis, the Kimberley detachment responded to twenty mental health calls through its third quarter of the fiscal year.
“Times are hard for people, there’s not a lot of resources and that just becomes a daily thing, I think, that we deal with,” says Woodcox. “The more we deal with the same individuals, the more we start to build a rapport with those individuals.”
He says RCMP have identified three key objectives for the new year; traffic enforcement and road safety, police visibility and engagement and building a rapport with local youth.
“I continue to do school talks at different schools,” Woodcox says. “We were invited to an event at Christmas at the alternate school. I did a few school talks there, and I think that’s an important thing to still be engaged with the youth, for the youth to know us by name.”
Click here to view Kimberley RCMP’s 3rd quarter report to city council.
– Steve Woodcox – Sergeant, Kimberley RCMP