Parks Canada says wildfire risk reductuion projects are happening around Radium Hot Springs through to March.
Crews will be rmoving vegitation on the hillside behinde the aquacourt, pile burning will also be happening near the pools.
You can expect to see smoke and flames from pile burning while work is ongoing.
Work will be completed during the middle of the week when the pools are less busy.
Find more information from Parks Canada below:
Between November 2022 and March 2023, Parks Canada will be conducting wildfire risk reduction work around Radium Hot Springs.
As part of this work, Parks Canada will be selectively removing and/or limbing vegetation on the hillside behind the Radium Hot Springs Aquacourt.
Decades of fire suppression have created dense forests with significant amounts of woody debris throughout Kootenay National Park. This build up of fuel poses a significant risk during periods of heightened wildfire danger. Forest thinning and FireSmart techniques used during wildfire risk reduction work limits the intensity and potential spread of wildfires.
Visitors and motorists can expect to see smoke and flames from pile burning and hear chainsaw sounds while soaking in the hot springs. Work is being completed during the middle of the week when the facility is less busy.
Visit Kootenay National Park’s website to learn more about wildfire risk reduction work.
– Includes statement and files from Parks Canada