Renovations to Cranbrook’s City Council’s chambers are continuing.
Council approved an additional $449,000 in funding at Monday night’s meeting to complete work that has been ongoing at City Hall since May.
Deputy director of public works Tony Hetu says the funds will cover additional work like hazardous waste abatement in the chamber’s vault, ceiling and electrical room.
“The original vault ceiling structure could not be salvaged due to hazardous material,” says Hetu. “$70,000 estimated cost to rebuild the vault, ceiling and decorative features.”
CAO Mark Fercho says the project is progressing well, with significant work being done to expand the council chamber by removing the back wall where the public would sit.
“There was an old abandoned vault back there that had to be destroyed and removed,” says Fercho. “Also, some of the access to the upstairs was closed off due to contaminated materials up on top. Those offices above haven’t been used in 30 years, so we’ve removed as much of that material as possible and created a much further back wall to open it up to the public.”
The renovations are set to finish early next year.
You can find more information about the renovations at City Hall here.
– Tony Hetu, Cranbrook deputy director of public works
– Mark Fercho, Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Cranbrook