The BC Wildfire Service is seeing significant progress dealing with some of the region’s Fires of Note.
The Connell Ridge fire south of Cranbrook is now being held.
Crews are working on mop up operations with the Connell Ridge fire, as crews are also using infrared scanning to locate and extinguish hot spots in the blaze.
An Evacuation Alert for six properties near the Connell Ridge fire along Gold Creek Forest Service Road was rescinded over the weekend.
Meanwhile, the Cummings Creek wildfire near Sparwood will no longer be considered a fire of note as of the end of Monday, August 22nd.
Efforts to contain the fire at Cummings Creek is going smoothly.
The BC Wildfire Service says sprinkler systems and hoselay are in place in key areas around the fire and are prepped for use.
And the BC Wildfire Service are changing locations in dealing with the Weasel Creek fire near Roosville.
Fire Crews are setting up a new camp for the Weasel Creek blaze, which they hope will be set up by the end of today.
An area restriction for Weasel Creek has been expanded to protect the public in areas where ongoing aggressive fire behaviour is occurring.
Pictured: Cummings Creek fire near Sparwood. Picture from the BC Wildfire Service.