Cranbrook Community Theatre Society and several other local groups are banding together to create a sculpture recognizing Cranbrook volunteers and a beloved resident.
CCT has commissioned local artist Paul Reimer to design a park bench to go in front of the Studio & Stage Door Theatre, featuring the likeness of the late Bud Abbot.
The project is tentatively set for completion in the Fall with a dedication ceremony planned for September.
View more information from Cranbrook Community Theatre Society below:
A group of seven representatives of Cranbrook regional organizations found a way to acknowledge the enormous community benefits received from the skills and time given by volunteers.
The success of sports, arts, heritage, social and educational programs, as well as other areas of community life are enabled because people continue to step up in whatever capacity they can offer towards a cause.
This is how our community has defined itself beyond a location, industry, or government.
In 2019 Cranbrook lost one of its most prolific volunteers with the passing of Bud Abbott.
The group has included Abbott’s volunteering example in the inspirational aspect of a tribute to volunteerism past, present, and future appropriately called ‘Bud’s Bench’.
In May, with project funding and a concept in place, Cranbrook artist Paul Reimer was commissioned by the group to create Bud’s Bench, which will be mounted on the 11th Avenue side property of the city-owned Studio Stage Door, operated by Cranbrook Community Theatre Society.
Recently featured in ‘Go Cranberley’ magazine, Reimer begins the creation of each piece of art by asking, “How can this art generate a greater sense of community in this place?”
His artwork is about forging connections between places, cultures, ideas, between the past, present and future and most importantly between people.
His talent and perspective made Reimer the perfect choice to create Bud’s Bench.
When completed sometime this Fall, the dedication plaque of the six-foot metal bench with a life-sized outline of Bud Abbott playing his trombone, will connect people directly to an online information page when scanned with their digital device or phone.
The page will describe the tribute and list the local organizations that are welcoming volunteers.
Any Kootenay organization wishing to list on the Bud’s Bench page should send a digital copy of their logo and a link to their website’s volunteer sign up or contact page to crancommtheatre@gmail.com
A festive public celebration is in the works for a September unveiling and dedication ceremony, followed by music, food, and commemorations at Rotary Park.
If you want to volunteer for this event, including offering a performance, food/beverages, or technical support, contact crancommtheatre@gmail.com
– Submitted by Cranbrook Community Theatre Society